Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ho Ho Ho

December is just half hour away.

I've been a fan of December since forever.
I can't hardly wait to watch the non-stop Christmas flicks on TV, hear the Christmas carols, and see the beautiful decoration all over the place. 

I have the annual pre-xmas dinner ritual with my girlfriends and our spouse (yep spouse, some of us are married :p) where we dressed up, wear Santa's hat and exchange gifts. 

It is definitely one of my favorite ritual of the year and I've been thinkin on where to have our pre-xmas dinner this year since we have 2 new added member of the family (Marion and the newly born Kimi! hihi)

We should reserved a child-friendly restaurant. Funny I get so excited since I don't actually celebrate Christmas though :p

Apart from all the festivity, my loved one was born on December as well!

So it is obvious that December takes a very special place in my heart :)

A bit of rain, a chance to wear my favorite rubber boots, a month full of Christmas carols, and a heart full of love. 

I'm glad you're here, December :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My kinda Autumn

Setelah 1 tahun menabung dan menempuh perjalanan yang lumayan memakan waktu 
juga tenaga, (Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur-Tokyo tanpa in-flight entertainment *lol*) 
akhirnya sampai juga kita di destinasi liburan tahun ini: JAPAN!

9 hari berkeliling Tokyo, Kyoto, dan Osaka dengan 1 kopor seberat 17 kg 
(dan akhirnya setelah seminggu bertambah menjadi 21kg), 1 ransel, dan 1 tas selempang 
bersama Silvi, Oliv, Puri, dan Tante Ida.

Ini beberapa foto favorit saya dari trip seminggu kemarin. 
Sebagian sudah saya post di Instagram :)

Biasanya saya banyak bercerita, menulis, dan mejelaskan dengan detail.
Tapi kali ini saya memutuskan untuk tidak terlalu deskriptif.
Perjalanan kemarin terlalu panjang dan personal untuk dirangkai dalam kalimat.

Thank you, Japan. Thank you for the beautiful memories! :)
